Thursday, June 30

today was fun. ms ong didnt come, so physics lesson was kinda a free period. i went to sit w/ kailan. haha. was fun. i hardly get to hav so much fun in class. i always force myself to listen and stuff. time flies these few days tho. its already thursday! i cant believe it. school seems much more enjoyable than last time. probably cuz i didnt see it for a month.

anw, got help for my humans work frm the relief teacher that period. aft school went to dover with matthew, gab and sher. sher and gab went to eat while i walked ard the dover estate to try n find a barbecue pit with matthew. he nided to get measurements of it for his d&t. den went back to find them, and sat there for awhile before going back to sch.

went to the art room and tried to complete as much as i can. the eagle turned out pretty screwed. i tot it was quite nice, but matthew and gab were in a generous mood for critism. so yeah.

sher asked what it meant if her left eyelid kept twitching. i think it means something good's gonna happen. then i started sumthing stupid like saying fred won the lottery of $100mil. and carried on for a couple of hours about the stuff he's gonna buy. like a three-storey penthouse in australia, with four cars and a private beach. i went on and on and on. was really exaggerating.

but it was fun. having a good fantasy life is healthy. i ended up forking an invite of letting my stay in the second-level of the penthouse. lol. and i have my very own pet polar bear! i went crazy then. started blurting out stupid stuff, and suggesting lame things. we had our own theatre too. wahaha.

well, sher's right. i gotta stop fantasizing. but it was fun while it lasted.

michi ]|[ 20:52

Tuesday, June 28

well. wanted to go home first, to complete my homework and study [cant you believe me? me, michelle, studying! i cant believe it either]. but sher asked if we could go to the library to complete our work. i didnt want to go home yet, so i went.

was damn fun. sher, gab, shumei and matthew were crapping all the way. we were trying to surpress our laughter. i wasnt that successful tho. i completed my humans [hurrah!] and went down to the acjc track. shumei had this shot putt event later on, so we went to cheer her on.

oh yah.. i didnt get into the finals! arghhhhh. turns out that only the first two can get in. shucks. but not bad alr, finishing in third place. i didnt run 100m for a few years.

anw, angel was just a few feet away frm me! wahaha. -blush- but anw .... we saw countless events. we saw kawai and daniel lim running before taking off for the acjc canteen. sher was hungry, but shumei didnt want to go to dover to eat. they got instant noodles frm the vending machine. lol. too bad shumei's didnt get stuck again. i would have died of laughter.

den sent sher home. tmr i have another event. 4x100m. im running with wendy and sokgin. yvonne cant run tmr, so i got peirong to run. yea. luckily got her.

michi ]|[ 20:01

Monday, June 27

last post was friday. didnt have time to update. anw, today was the first day of term three. felt great, even tho i was rather lost in those lessons. time sure flew by, tho. it was the end of the day before i knew it.

had the sports heats. i tot my event was 1730, but it was 163o instead .. luckily shem told me. i was freakin nervous, so i didnt want to go for the event.. tried to hide behind eunice, but in the end jonathan ong spotted me, and yelled my name. so i hadda go. sucks.

but came in third in the end. wahaha. not too shabby. haida and charissa beat me. shucks. i was a bundle of nerves when my name was called. lol.. sher treated me to ice lemon tea aft my event. thanks, sher =D

angel was there all along! omg. he was just about fifty metres away frm shumei. there was no one in between them. i didnt notice him till aft my event. but heck. i had fun today. haha. but i duno why so many ppl fell down while running.

i've another event on wednesday, 4x100. wendy didnt run today; she was feeling unwell. so i had to run as the only representative for 4g.. shem ran too, tho. saw him, but duno which position he came under.

spent the last hour completing my math homework. its MURDER. i had to ask sher, gab and my mom for help. in the end i figured it out with thanks to my mom. i was dancing ard the room rejoicing aft i completed it. hahaha. im prouda myself.

michi ]|[ 21:33

Friday, June 24

*oh yah. saw melissa yip while on the way to the ferry terminal. she was on a bike, and we locked eye contact for a few seconds, thinking where we knew each other from. a couple of seconds after i turned away, she called my name. lol. i remembered her then. berenice yip's cousin. we went for talentime together and everything.was nice seeing her again.

michi ]|[ 13:06

yesterday was great! jon didnt want to come in the end, so sher, gab, matthew and i went. we planned to meet at tiong station at ten am. sher was running late, so we met her at harbourfront bus interchange at ard 10:50. took the bus there, and blabla.

while waiting for the bus to take us to the beach, sher and i went to delifrance to buy sumthing to eat. nice. sher and i wanted a tan, so we went to palawan beach, cuz there were floats out about a fifty metres frm the shore. found a table, and sher and i applied sunblock before swimming out. gab and matthew didnt want to get wet, so they just sat there and talked.

im in such bad shape! aft swimming for fifty metres, i was so tired out i didnt have the energy to haul myself onto the float. sher had ta help me.lay there for like, fifteen mins before i couldnt take it anymore. i sat up and realised i alr had lines on my legs -_- it was only fifteen mins! but it aint that obvious, so i guess thats fine. sher and i talked for awhile, and she told me stupid jokes. lay for about five more mins before deciding to head back to shore.

played near the shoreline for about twenty mins before going to bathe. we got our stuff, and walked to the toilets. we walked all the way to siloso beach cuz the condition there was sorta better. so freaking far!! but i bet we only walked, say, 600 metres? or maybe more. my feet were sore by the time we walked back to where gab and matthew were.

sher and i felt like sakae, so we walked ALL THE WAY BACK TO SILOSO. i was perspiring like crazy by the time we reached sakae. gab only wanted to eat burger king, so matthew, sher and i ate. matthew had the chicken thing, sher had saba rice and i had tempura udon. daniel came and joined us later. finished eating, and was about to start our trek to the ferry terminal for bk.

sher got a fish bone stuck in her throat, and she went to the toilet to try to vomit it out. she threw up her whole lunch. poor girl. she got it out in the end tho.

we went to bk aft that. walked to the busstop and took the bus down. it wasnt air-conditioned, and the wind was a nice change frm all the air-con. when we reached, sher ate again cuz, well, there was nth left in her stomach. daniel and i didnt want to eat, so i went for a walk with him. we stopped at this coffeeshop and we talked. he ate sum noodle thing. then we took a stroll down. it was nice. we were near the sea and everything.

walked for abit more, and went back. sher and daniel fed the peahens [or something] while i looked out at the sea again. sher came to join me afterwards. we stood there and talked for awhile. i had fun.

then decided to leave sentosa. we took the bus out. while waiting for the bus to take us to harbourfront, i talked to matthew. it was fun. haha. went to walk ard harbourfront centre. i pei-ed sher to poh kim - she wanted to see if they held the vcd 'iron ladies'. the first thing i saw when i walked into the shop was the lovers in paris serial with english subtitles! that is definitely going onto my wishlist. but its sixty bucks tho. i can forget about ever getting it. yeesh.

walked ard more.. decided to leave ard eight? yeah. took the train down. sher and i took bus frm outram park mrt, but we went out the wrong entrance. lol. so we took train in the end. went home and watched tv before sleeping. woke up at 10:30 today! so late. haii. and hols are ending soon. bleh.

am definitely going back in december.

michi ]|[ 11:11

Thursday, June 23

i woke up at seven and couldnt get back to sleep. so here i am. its nine am in the morning. getting ready to go to sentosa.

yesterday didnt go out with kai and wendy. wendy could only make it at night and i wasnt allowed out at night. so we postponed it to friday. sher wanted to go to bk to study, so i went too. i completed my english homework and did one or two layout plans for my art.

we talked and stuff. joked here and there. it was fun. aft that we went to walk ard. went to the sports shops to see caps. den went to courts to walk ard. then went to music junction. we stayed there for like, an hour? i duno. we walked ard the shop like, three times. talked more than looked at cds. haha. saw the new bsb album. its eighteen bucks. who wants to sponsor me?

saw the lovers in paris soundtrack. it was 17 dollars!! and i bought it for 23! argh. i could've saved five bucks.

went to guardian and all. then finally headed home. it was ard 8pm. yesterday was fun. and i bet today would be even more fun.

gab and i bugged my mom to tell us how many ex-es she had in her whole life. we were following her and asking for ten mins cuz she didnt want to tell us. but got the answer in the end. its five. haha. but not before she met my dad, before she married him. hahaa.

michi ]|[ 09:03

Tuesday, June 21

its ten-thirty. hai. cant believe i woke up so late. anw, i didnt really do anything in the past few days. still have art, english report and chinese compos to do. dun feel like doing! hols are ending soon, too.

on thurs going to the beach!!!! wahahaha. have been waiting ages for that day to come. sher, jon, gab and matthew are going. my younger sister is going to the same place too, with her friends. yah.

the last time we went tgt was last dec. to celebrate xf's birthday, but the cake melted and everything. but it was fun. daniel went and all. haha. miss those times. xf and bell cant make it, so it'll just be the five of us. its good, in a way. it'd be awkward with matthew and xf tgt, regarding their past history.

going to sentosa's beach. gonna swim and everything. hope the sun's nice, i wanna get a tan. this time i am NOT going to spend an hour in delifrance. har har. omg, i cant wait.

no idea what im going to do today. hais. dun feel like going homework leh ..

michi ]|[ 10:27

Sunday, June 19

new blogskin. with credits to KAILIN! thanks a million man.

remember that yandao i saw yesterday at chc? my sister told him i found him cute. i was doggone-ed embarrassed. and he msg-ed me! omg -.- found out he was frm fairfield. he looked like a seventeen-yr-old. he didnt tell him his age, and we stopped msg-ing soon.

danielle came back and i asked her for his age. HE'S THIRTEEN FOR GOODNESS SAKE! i wanted the ground to swallow me up that instant. it was soooooo embarrassing .. and he's frm badminton too! omg .. no face..

anw ... watched some dullsville mummy thing. eygpt crucifixtion is DISGUSTING. gab and i were gagging when we saw it. yuck gross. so anw, then watched 'the village' on dvd. fourth time i was watching it. sian! not scary wan.

i miss the drums. hai.

my grandma was kb-ing some of calvary's ppl. calvary: my old church. she said that they were always deliberatly asking about our education, and gloating about their 'smart' kids. WHATEVER LAH. there's nothing wrong with Nlevel and taking a five-yr course. we are as smart as your kids.

i was friggin' pissed when my grandma told me that. everyone's equal OK-AY..

im aching all over frm the stupid training thing. and tmr still got. hais. supposed to be two hours but no way. im only going for one. i hope sher's going with me.

michi ]|[ 09:35

Saturday, June 18

remember when i said i was gonna spend the day at home and stone? well, i lied. i forgot that my mom had made arrangements for us to go to her boss' house for lunch. so anw, i dragged myself out of the house. and i found my necklace! the one bryan bought for me. a ring is also attached, and my name's engraved on the pendant. i'd misplaced it a few days back.

well, i thought it'd be a total bore. but it turned out to be quite fun. they were an italian family, and their accent was damn nice. my mom's boss had two kids. lamir and shida. both guys. the older one's fifteen, and the younger one's ten. lamir looks like a nineteen yr old. and he's so yan dao. hahaha. looks like josh groban. =P

it was an italian meal. there was bread and salad for appetizer, and the main course was actually pizza. my mom knew i didnt eat that unless i didnt have a choice, so she asked them to make some spaghetti for me. wah. felt like royalty. but felt bad cuz they had to go thru that trouble.

i lost my left rubber band somewhere in the middle of the main course. lol. must've swallowed it or something. it was good. for the rest, they had pizza. four.. like, omg.. one came first, and one aft the other aft the other.

the conversation topic came to churches, and my mom told them why i didnt go to church any longer. she gave the half-true version, and it was rather funny. she said,"see, at first she went with her friends, a male and a female. then those two decided to date, and she was feeling rather left out. its like she was invisible as they were boyfriend and girlfriend. and one day she got fed up. ya." i got embarrassed. but im going back really soon.

then we talked and everything. was pretty fun. left ard three plus, cuz my younger sister had to go for service ar city harvest. my dad brought her there first. when going into the carpark, she waved to this totally yan dao guy. lol. i was like.. ahhh.. so shuai. i joked, asking her to intro me.. lol. she agreed -_-

i didnt want any embarrassment so i told her to get his photo. lol. i saw this guy who looks like mr pang, this woman who looks like mrs loh, and this usher who looks like angel. tink im getting school-sick. lol.

and here i am, with absolutely no idea what im going ot do next. hais. i dont want sch to start but at the same time i bored! thats the problem with schools and holidays. in school, you're too busy doing this and that. in the holidays, you've absolutely nothing to do.

michi ]|[ 16:42

had training first thing in the morning. sher was supposed to join me but she's in m'sia. hai. miss her. but anw, did loads of exercises. it was pretty cool. i perspired like mad. hylmie [trainer] said the trainee's sweat is the trainer's satisfaction. there was hardly a drop of swea on my mom. that shows how fit i am.

my muscle's are sore ... had small talk for awhile aft training.. like guess my weight and all. he's 100kg man. 220 pounder. good grief. he isnt fat, its just all the muscle weight. was pretty cool.

guess all im gonna do today is slack the day away. yeah, its a waste of the hols, but who cares. dont feel like going out anw. besides, sher aint in singapore. too lazy to contact other ppl. and broke too. haha. geez, just to stay at home, one nids to come up with so many reasons. not excuses ah.

ok.. gotta go.. maybe will post another one tonight. tah.

michi ]|[ 10:09

Friday, June 17

watched mean girls on dvd first thing in the morning, and went to do my chinese comprehensions. three leh. omg. i still have two more compositions to do. hais. no way we can get out of doing it, because mr pang'll be our nxt form teacher.

then my sister watched unleashed. aft i finished my work, i went to watch. quite nice, actually. jet li's quite cute.. haha. was flipping the channels aft the show ended, and saw the second part of bulletproof monk. that show was quite nice too. then watched mtv awards.. TOM CRUISE is so yan dao. by then it was alr six-thirty. there goes another day of my precious holiday ...

going training tmr. supposed to go with sher, but she left for malaysia early today. hm. miss her alr. haha. hope she comes back soon. the training's really early. like, 7:30am. i asked my mom to make it later but she dun wan.. ah well.

found out my mom's getting my younger sister an iPod mini.. golly..she always gets all the good stuff.. nvm..shant complain.. esp when i wanna ask my mom for new shoes.. the same ones as wendy's getting. lol. we made a deal to get them before the hols over. with kailan! haha. gonna be fun. cant wait.

gosh its really hot. i sweat just walking from one room to another. ok, gotta go. till the next time then.

michi ]|[ 20:06

Wednesday, June 15

my younger sister just went for a class barbecue. so lucky. im still in the midst of planning a day for the beach. getting frustrated alr. none of them seem interested. cept, well, sher. have been planning it since last month. heck. have a good mind to just tell them to plan themselves if they want to go. just upset that the holidays are gonna be over soon, and that aft their Olevels, i doubt they'd keep in contact w/ me. hate this ... all empty promises. bleh.

did my eng story outlines yesterday. was bored to death. did nth but listen to music for 3 hours. i was nearly brain dead.

gawd, there's absolutely NOTHING to do ard here. i'd really rather have school. just that im too used to waking up a nine in the morning instead of six-thirty.

michi ]|[ 13:49

Tuesday, June 14

its alr the fifteenth!! holidays are over soon. -sigh. all i've been doing is homework. and there's still a pile left. i nvr really had a good day out. cant wait for the beach. maybe nxt wk. duno.

didnt do much yesterday. was too tired to go out as planned. and today: was supposed to mit wendy for homework and stuff. but we didnt contact each other. i forgot abt it. yeah. but nvm lah. another day.

supposed to go east coast cycle with wendy and kl. plus some other ppl. but i guess its all talk. all of us forgot abt it once the homework started piling in. lol..

and i cant do anything cept, well, homework. -bleh.

watched monster-in-law and madagascar on dvd yesterday. that ruby character on monster-in-law is freaking funny. with her thick accent and all. haha. watched are we there yet on dvd this morning. not very funny. but my heart goes out to the car the kids wrecked. but i dont think it was worth watching in the movies.

spent a couple of hours last night talking to matthew. he'd went out with gab that day, and when he heard that i had the dvd madagasar, he asked to borrow it. so at the same time i had a talk with him. the subject soon went to the supernatural again -_- and i got rather freaked out.

angel sms-ed me last night. omg. well, i do miss him, but i guess its nothing serious worth time to ponder over it. k. gotta go do my work. hope gab left me some foolscap.

michi ]|[ 12:41

Monday, June 13

yesterday was great!

i met sher ard 1415 cuz she had tuition in the morning. then we bus-ed down to wheelock to get the iPod shuffle. it was freaking crowded, so we decided to go have lunch first. we walked ard, and went to lido. had kfc.

there was this cup left there before we sat down at a table. we ignored it, and talked while we drank aft we finished eating. she said her water frm the ice tasted like tea ...den i realised there were three cups on the table ... i pointed it out to sher, and she discovered that she was drinking from a macdonald's cup.

i couldnt stop laughing. it was damn funny lah ..! she was going, "yuck!" was hilarious man. i joked, saying maybe the previous user had sars or something... hahaha.

then we walked back to wheelock. i got my shuffle. one of the workers there looked like alan rickman. haha. you know, the snape guy frm harry potter. well, then we walked down to centrepoint to meet sher's mom. i tagged along since i had the time. we went to level 5. some cooking utensils and stuff. sher and i walked ard to explore. we saw that one knife cost like, a whopping hundred bucks. crazy.

sat in, or rather, stood in for this demo on this kind of frying pan. the guy was quite funny. he pronounced "pizza" as "bizza". lol.

then sher was considering whether to ask her mom if she could get a shuffle too. they talked abt it for a few minutes, and her mom agreed. so we walked back to wheelock. but along the way, sher saw a couple of stores in lucky plaza selling the shuffle too, and figured it would be cheaper. it was, and we walked ard there to see what was the best price.

it was abt $170. her mom didnt want sher to decide so soon, so we went to the food court to eat first. sher and i didnt eat cuz we were still full frm the chicken. we had this aloe vera sea coconut thing. quite nice. but my mouth was numb by the time i finished it.

went back and her mom decided to get that iPod. so we both have one! haha. so cool. her mom went up to draw money cuz it was cheaper to pay by cash. den she got lost -_- haha. went home at abt 7:30pm.

i was rather tired frm the day so i cancelled my date for today. but am going out tmr. with wendy. but to study lah. so ... haha.

then watched iron ladies! haha. they so cute. i was exhausted that i fell asleep at ard ten in my sister's room.

spent the last couple of hours dl-ing the shuffle thinger. gab helped me, and it was done rather fast, thanks to her. only got like, 40 songs.. hah. am dl-ing more songs from limewire.

okay think this is enough. till tmr then. tah.

michi ]|[ 11:01

Saturday, June 11

hm. so went bk to do work. completed my eng and chem. half the holiday's over, and all we've been doing is homework! its like a study break. when all the homework's finally done, its time for revision. so much for a holiday.

went to watch cursed. i thought it was some sort of all japanese haunted house thing. something like amityville. but its abt this werewolf and stuff. i saw something like that once. sabretooth, when we were in bali.

i must be insane. i was once so freaked by even going near a horror movie poster, let alone sit it through. but it was alright. amity and cursed. you know the funny thing? 'amity' means 'peace'. i found that out while doing my english summary. contradicting.

decided to get that iPod shuffle. going tmr with sher to wheelock. hope i wake up tmr before my mom goes off to church, if she's going, or i wont be able to get the money and stuff.

want to escape to the beach before june's over. duno when everyone's gonna be free. contacting belle will be a problem because she doesnt hav a phone w/ her. and jon .. the only ppl he wants to be with is xf.. and i doubt she can go cuz of her Olevels. sher's only free at the last week.. omg. planning something like this is so damn diff.

okay..i gotta go..ciao.

michi ]|[ 21:19

-yawn. caught a break yesterday. from "studying" =x well, spent the morning on the computer, this and that. did my eng composition. was only supposed to write to 400 words, but i wrote 700. im so dead.

then watched Dodgeball and The Stepford Wives on dvd. the shows werent bad. i was rather reluctant to watch Dodgeball, but gab wanted too. it turned out that it wasnt bad.

mom got this offer on the iPod Shuffle. $129 for 512MB. just surfed thru the webby, and its not so bad. i didnt want to get it cuz i couldnt see the song titles and all. maybe i'll get it .. deadline's 15 july, so i gotta decide soon.

anw, i gotta go. have to go study. bleh.

michi ]|[ 10:44

Thursday, June 9

hmmm. went to sch ard 11 for art. gab and i left separately, and i saw her standing outside the art room when i arrived. turned out that mdm lim wasnt in sch today. we waited outside for awhile before deciding to leave.

i didnt want to go home, so i yue-ed matthew to do homework at jurong library. but in the end we didnt do any. dun have any foolscap. lol. ended up talking. i left ard 6:30pm.

hav dental later. sigh. right in the middle of the day. and the end of the holidays are nearing! only two and a half weeks left. sighhhhh.

things are becoming hectic and more confusing. duno how it became to this state. hope everything will be fine in the end..

and i got pimple :(

michi ]|[ 12:02

Tuesday, June 7

my grandma recognized the songs from the lovers in paris serial when i played them. i got this sudden obsession over korean songs. so if anyone's got a few nice ones, please intro! sherlyn was a doll; she lent me two H.O.T cds. and they rock. haha.

okay .. hmm. yesterday, i went for art ...yadda yadda yadda... and met sher at 1630 at sakae sushi. wheelock. saw sumthing that sher and wendy would like for birthdays or christmas.. but expensive sia!! =x

went into sakae, and i think we managed to eat, say, 18 plates altogether? its pathetic, i know. but i ate before i went, so .. but it was fun. sher was swooing over this cute guy opposite her [no, its not me =/]

wanted to go see matthew and gab. they were at cine. but then, found out they were at my block void deck studying. we headed home by bus, and i went to find them. gab went up soon after i came, and i sat there and talked to matthew for an hour or so. he returned my watch =p it was troublesome without it. its a long story how i "lost" it.

going to study later. SIAN. im so tired. and hungry. and lazy.. but its okay. sweat it out for a few more days, and i'll be able to enjoy my hols with no homework worries. but you know what pisses me off? they give you a chunk of homework to do, and dont collect it when sch reopens! so those who didnt bother to do gets a break, and those who did have wasted their effort. but, come to think of it, those who did would benefit. cuz you're actually studying when doing homework.

gotta start cramming for Nlevel soon..

michi ]|[ 09:10

Monday, June 6

okay, so yesterday. the morning and afternoon were boring. all i did was sleep and watch 4 episodes of this chinese serial on vcd.

at about 7, i went downstairs. void deck there. it was boring upstairs so it couldnt be worse downstairs. i was waiting for sher to come with stella's sweater anw, and was also waiting for gab to come home from tiong. i didnt want to pop over there and disturb her.

took my diary, sweater and discman down with me. stayed there for like, an hour, before gab came with matthew, and sher came too.

we were sitting at the shelter talking. about anything and everything. it was quite fun. gab went back up soon, but i stayed with matthew and sher. they suddenly started talking about their ghost encounters. i was like, omg ... i hated these kind of stories. they'd haunt me for a few days.

they were talking abt it till ard 2130, and sher left to watch her show on channel u. matthew walked me up cuz i was freaked out. but surprisingly, i managed to sleep thru the night. quite comfortably too. haha. its a wonder. i guess things like this dont really affect me anymore. well, not that much anw.

had art today. zao-ed when mdm lim left the room. haha. but i think im gonna get it when i go back on weds. i was starving. sher and i made plans to go to wheelock for sakae at ard 1630. i was too hungry, so i came home and see what was there to eat.

there was chili crab!! omg. i ate like siao. now im stuffed. i hope i lose it before going to wheelock. i dont want to waste my money like i did when wendy and i went with kailan, julia and peirong. back then, i only ate 6 plates, because someone took away my appetite with her eating -_-

only went with sher for sakae once, i think. maybe. im lookin forward to it. haha. but come to think of it.. i wish i hadnt eaten so much crab .. im so stuffed ....

gab went out again. watch movie AGAIN. well, i guess she can afford it since my mom gave her $250 two weeks ago. she'd given my mom a few dozen cds to sell, and that was the profit.. unfair!! hais. some cds were mine, too.

michi ]|[ 13:53

Saturday, June 4

the sports cca handover raaaaawked! at first, i wasnt keen on going, because i wasnt really close to the badminton ppl and all.but it wasnt so bad aft all. in fact, it was great.

first, the captains signed me up for relay events and the vertical challenge. hated the latter sia. we had to, like, run thru the corridor on the ground floor, up the stairs to the top floor, run thru the corridor on the last level, down the central staircase, and thru the corridor again. each had to do 4 times. FOUR TIMES!! but we could strategize, so we kind of did a relay thing. once one finished one round, the other would go, and so on.

we were the only cca for 'b' division girls, so we naturally won that event =x duno how come the rest didnt participate. i got damn tired. aft the end of my third round, i went to the toilet and barfed. wad u expect.. didnt eat, and expect us to run so much. madness.

we participated in every event, which was good. i ran the relay event, 6x75. i was the third runner, but i nvr tie my shoe properly, so i was constantly slowing down lest my shoe comes flying out. but we got first place ... but only because we were again, the only cca 'b' division girls that participated ... -_-

watched the girls play handball. den went downstairs to watch our cca play this telematch or something. it goes like this: 5 ppl frm each division have to go, and when the whistle blows, the first person have to run to this table with a bowl of flour. there're gummy bears hidden in there, and that person gotta find two by only using his/her head. which is like, damn difficult.

aft that, they gotta drink this bowl of liquid without their hands, and i found out it was vinegar. like, omg. yucks. anw, they had to cross this damn slippery mat.

i didnt join, but gab joined the 'b' division girls. lol. nicole and i were going to them and cheering them on [we also helped them a little. shhh]. fun sia.. we were screaming at the top of our voices. tmr sure get sore throat. but hu was damn fun.

then was the prize presentation. badminton didnt expect to win anything, because we didnt really fare that well. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place is determined by the number of points we score from the games.. but surprisingly, badminton boys got 3rd prize, and the badminton girls won netball by 1 point. AND WE GOT FIRST!

all of u were stunned stupid. but it was fun..

there's a farewell party for mrs peng later, at her house. in fact, its on now. im not going, because wendy isnt.. i wont knw how to get there anw.

oh ya, yesterday.. i met sher at tiong's bk to do homework. we met ard 1. pianist was showing on tv before i left. managed to watch a little.

i didnt eat, cuz i wasnt that hungry, and started on my physics. finished that, and started on english. didnt get to finish it tho. sher and i got a little restless and started talking. she asked me to fill up some of the empty spaces in her diary, so i drew some stupid stuff on it. haha.

i dont know what we did. we left the place at like, 7:30. gab lah.. she was in town.. and she wanted us to wait for her to come back, so we could walk home tgt. we got fed up of waiting, and so we left. i think i must've drank too much water. i only drank one bottle, but i went to the toilet, like, what, 7 times?

but it was fun, sitting there and talking. listening to the overhead radio and stuff, guessing what songs are playing, and singing along when we knew the words. it was great.

went home.. stared out the window, looking out for gab. it was about 8:30 then. was rather worried, because she didnt normally stay out so late. mom told me to stop looking when she saw me, and i went to watch tv. yesterday was great. inexpensive way of having fun. haha. im waiting for sher to get the eye 10 vcd, so i can go over to watch. lol. cant wait.

michi ]|[ 12:26

Thursday, June 2

all i did yesterday and today was homework. went to jurong library. but i still have alot to do!! hais. this is not holiday man!

pon-ed chinese today. wendy didnt want to go, so i decided to pon too. matthew also din go.. hope pang doesnt catch on that we're not really sick. but im gonna get my mom to write a letter for me. hopefully she does, or im screwed when sch reopens.

on saturday's a farwell party for mrs peng. but im not going. wendy isnt either.. gonna miss her a great deal.

starting to hate myself. i do stupid things that dont seem stupid to me anymore because i keep doing them. but anw, im going study with sher tmr. bk. lookin forward to it..

i see you comb your hair and gimme that grin. it's making me spin now, spinnin' within. before i melt like snow, i say hello, how do you do!

michi ]|[ 20:45